When trying to raise awareness for a new product, getting an article published as a sponsored post on major blog sites can be effective in raising awareness for your product.

However, getting it on a blog site is not an express ticket to your product hitting the desired mark as regards engagement.

This article will show you how to write an effective sponsored post that will ensure you get back investment returns.

Sponsored Post Headline

Your sponsored post headline must pique people’s interest.

See below an example of a product launch post sponsored on Linda Ikeji’s Blog

Sponsored Post Headline: AXA Mansard Launches first Health Insurance TV commercial in Nigeria

There are a couple of things wrong with this headline.

Most people who go online want to get what they want quickly. In this instance, they visit Linda Ikeji’s blog to get the latest news and gossip for the day.

Now with a headline like this, it is not newsworthy nor does it give any reason why people should stop to read further. The headline summarizes the content so why read further. Therefore people quickly move on to more interesting news and AXA MANSARD is quickly forgotten.

But if the headline were to be something like this:

“See what people are saying about the new AXA Mansard TV Commercial.”

This headline is newsworthy and brings two things into the mind of anyone reading it:

  1.  Wow! I haven’t seen that video. I have got to see it.
  2.  I have seen the video, let me go check out what people are saying about it.

This headline serves the purpose for which the post was sponsored which is to create awareness about the AXA Mansard Health Insurance video.

Your headline should be clear, direct and serve the purpose why the post was sponsored in the first place.

Sponsored Post Content

A lot of the sponsored content you see on blog sites are simply too short. It is incorrect to think that people wouldn’t want more information for a product that cost up to 25,000 naira for example.

Your content should offer proof, benefits and proven facts about your product.

Remember that some people may be coming across your product for the first time and will need to know about the product and what people stand to gain from the product instead of the commercial alone.

Don’t try to impress people with big words or try to be funny. Be direct, articulate and factual. And don’t bore people with an extraordinary a long read, simply for the sake of having a long post.

Other Things to Note

When you are trying to get awareness about a particular product, it is better to also promote it on your social media channels and website. It will create uniformity and more exposure across the brand channels and get everyone talking about it.

AXA Mansard Insurance could have promoted this video across their entire social media platform. Then include some screen shots of the comments under the sponsored post headline like this:

Headline: See what people are saying about the new AXA Mansard Insurance video

Final Thoughts

Write personably and let the tone be exciting. Don’t beat around the bush. Understand your targeted demographic and focus your message on them. Make sure your message is unique or entertaining or newsworthy and useful.

Also, always remember to include your website URL as some people would want to know the source of the news.

Need a professional to write your sponsored post content? We can help. Reach out to us here


  • Deborah Ogwuche

    Deborah Ogwuche is a content copywriter with specialty in web writing. She is a long-form content writer with Ziza Digital and also a published author of The Renegades.

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